Pierre Jassogne de chez Fortyeight
Pierre Jassogne


Pierre joined us in September 2022 as an intern.

Logan Delwiche

Warehouse & Backline Technician
+32 472 48 50 85

Logan a rejoint notre entreprise en 2019. Il se charge de la gestion et de l’entretien du parc de matériel et met ses compétences de Backliner et de Tour Manager au service d’artistes et de différentes productions de concert.

Maxime Fervil

Warehouse Manager

Maxime has been managing our equipment on a day-to-day basis since 2022.

Maximilien Sechehaye
Maximilien Sechehaye

Project Manager
+32 472 46 09 93

Maximilien has been with us since 2018. He studies clients’ projects and suggests the most appropriate solutions for their needs.

Antoine Gilbert
Antoine Gilbert

Project Manager
+32 478 37 22 30

Antoine has been supporting clients with all kinds of audiovisual projects since 2015. He is passionate about new technologies and will recommend the best solutions.

Laurent Fortier
Laurent Fortier

General Manager - Fondateur
+32 475 40 34 11

Laurent Fortier is the founder of Fortyeight. He listens to clients and offers bespoke solutions that are adapted to their needs.